Watercolour Wednesday … Waiting for the Snow …

We’ve been waiting for the snow to come. All the forecasts tell us that it’ll be here in the south west of the UK on friday. Everywhere looks different shades of greys, blues and purples – occasionally when the sun manages to make a slight appearance we see some hints of yellow-orange. It’s these shades which inspired my painting today:

Trees Before the SnowFingers crossed we get to go sledging at the weekend !

Last Painting of the Year …

Yesterday we went to the City of Bristol Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition, there was so much talent on display, it was stunning. One of the photos was of a line of trees of varying shades and sunlight shining through them. It inspired me to do this painting today – and it was lovely to paint again !

Trying to find my style …

I’ve read recently that developing a painting style is a bit like developing your own style of handwriting. This helped me put my recent frustrations with my painting in to perspective. I’ve been reading lots and feeling inspired by several different artists but have found it increasingly difficult to work out how I’d like to be able to paint.
The painting below is indicative of this. I used paint and watercolour pencils and I also dabbled in a little decoupage, as a result, whilst I love the colours, I feel it lacks cohesion.


A natural beauty.

Having visited Westonbirt Arboretum at the weekend, I felt totally overawed by the sheer beauty of the trees. The autumn colour was just beginning to appear and with the sun shining bright but low in the sky, the whole place took on a really magical quality. It looked stunning:




I used the acer as the inspiration for my first painting from Westonbirt. The shape of the leaves and the colours they had turned were beautiful. I was able to use many of the colours in my new paint sets, I also decided to use some pastel as well, to increase the definition of a couple of leaves:

Getting a brush off!

vision in blue

And now to the painting part of my blog. I chose water colours despite the fact they seem to be acknowledged as the most challenging of paints. I love the colours that can be created and I especially love the fact mistakes can be easily rectified. Sometimes it’s the mistakes that turn a painting in to something wonderful.

Here are some of my initial attempts at water colour painting, painted in July and August 2011:



The blue boat above was my first ‘lesson’ from a beginners guide to water colour, it was a good place to start as I only had to think about whether I was wet brushing or dry brushing.


 I really liked the fact that I didn’t have to paint the snowdrops, their shape is apparent only because of the simple shading and the blue background.
The trees are my favourite of these four paintings, simply because I love the different shades of green and the impression of a winter sun, low in the sky, casting the shadows.


The sunset, whilst very simple was also fun as I was able to release my inner child and use a white wax crayon for the sun and the glimmering water.