Watercolour Wednesday … Winter Whiteout …

Time ran away from me today and I only managed a postcard sized painting with watercolour pencils. We’ve had plenty of snow here over the past few days and I wanted to try to capture it in a picture somehow. Here’s my attempt:

Our park looks beautiful covered in its snow white blanket, the boys have had lots of fun sledging and there have been plenty of snowball fights !

These are some of the photos that I took at the weekend:


Another reason for me posting this image today is that I went to visit a dear friend in hospital this morning, I won’t go in to details but she is incredibly ill and has become so with an unbelievable speed. She loves our park and really misses walking her dog here. She is astonishingly brave and is being so in the knowledge that she will not get better, so L, this is for you, the park won’t be the same without you xx

Foodie Friday … and some Snow …

I’m on time this week although I don’t have as many yummy photos as I did last week. The highlight of our food this week was without a shadow of a doubt our own home made brioche:

BriocheI’d always avoided making brioche in the past because I (wrongly) assumed that it was too fiddly to make. In fact it was easy and having to leave it overnight to prove plus 3 hours whilst I was at work on monday meant that we had a treat treat for our tea on monday evening:

BriocheWe also had some left over for lunch on tuesday. Think I’ll be making this again and soon!

As for the snow, it finally came:

This was 7:30 today, walking to school through the park. When we got home, there was someone else who wanted to play in the snow:


Watercolour Wednesday … Waiting for the Snow …

We’ve been waiting for the snow to come. All the forecasts tell us that it’ll be here in the south west of the UK on friday. Everywhere looks different shades of greys, blues and purples – occasionally when the sun manages to make a slight appearance we see some hints of yellow-orange. It’s these shades which inspired my painting today:

Trees Before the SnowFingers crossed we get to go sledging at the weekend !

A Winter Wonderland …

I’ve just returned from walking my dog and the weather is once again turning cold. We’ve been lulled in to a false sense of Spring being on its way over the last few days, but no, Winter is definitely back. Thinking of winter inspired me to look back over my favourite photos from this time last year. We were lucky enough to have snow and plenty of it. The snow shut the majority of  schools at the time and I know many who decided against the drive to work and who chose instead to have a few days ‘working from home’! This time last year, people left their cars at home and walked to our local park. This park has a huge boating lake and a river flowing through it, as well as gently undulating hills. It was transformed into what became known as ‘the slopes’ when it was covered in snow: