The Shadow of a Tree…

Having the time, energy and the inclination to paint today was fab! Despite the rain and the hail (yes, it is nearly July), it was great to be back in my corner of the ‘shudio’ (shed/studio). The past month or so has been manic for a variety of reasons and so I really appreciated being able to slope off for an hour or so to paint.
I returned to a favourite idea – sunset colours, a tree and the use of salt – and this is the result:


I have a few ideas for my next painting, hopefully I’ll be back in the shudio again soon.

Life’s a beach (hut) …

I had some of the lovely beach hut material left over from when I made some napkins a few weeks ago (click here to see them) and decided to use it to make a panel for our bathroom window. Now that we are experiencing some warm weather it’s lovely to open all the windows and let the breeze through the house – we can now open our bathroom window but maintain privacy, a plus for us and our neighbours!!!
