Princes Street Swing Bridge, part 2 …

Trying to paint in a more abstract fashion was my goal for today. I wanted to use the picture I painted yesterday as my starting point, but I wanted to focus much more on the interaction of the colours instead of painting simply what I saw.

This is the result:

I really like the way the colours have mixed together to give the picture a more ethereal quality. That said I’m not sure which painting I prefer. Opinion is definitely divided in this house. I’m going to try putting some of the lovely paper, that I acquired recently, alongside them to see if there is a combination that I’d like up on a wall somewhere.

As for painting in abstract, I find it much more difficult than painting what I see. There’s a real element of ‘letting go’ and being more relaxed when painting. I believe that with a more relaxed painting style comes a sense of confidence and that’s what I need to work on. There’s going to be an ‘arts market’ nearby in March and I have to decide whether or not I’d like to take part.